Benefits of
Our Program


Stranger Awareness

Our program is designed to help increase your child’s awareness of strangers without frightening them. Although we have talks about good listening, trying new foods (Thanksgiving), trick or treat safety (Halloween), being nice to other and giving and receiving gifts (Christmas), the biggest thing we talk about it Stranger Awareness. A few main points that are discussed in classes include: never go anywhere with a stranger, recognizing different types of strangers, and adults ask other adults for help, not children. During class, the children practice yelling “Help Stranger” loud and clear so if needed, it lets everyone around know they need help. We role play several different scenarios a young child might encounter so they know how to handle each situation.


Respect, Self-Discipline, Honesty, Listening Skills, Cooperation, Sharing, Humility, Teamwork, Patience

These characteristics are a built in process integrated in the instruction. By being consistent and using examples they can understand, your child will automatically do “the right thing” during class and this will eventually carry over into their everyday life. When a child has immediate rewards for good behavior they will continue to look for that positive reinforcement by acting in the correct manner.


Confidence, “Yes, I Can Do It” Attitude

Self-confidence is the ability to trust yourself and your abilities. This comes with achievement and your child’s self-esteem level will get a boost with every new move they acquire. The martial arts techniques we teach are specifically designed to provide your child with a simple systematic progression of skills that will produce results quickly. The children are rewarded at the end of every class for good work and listening skills.


Concentration, Focus, Memory Discipline

Children in this age group have different learning abilities than older children because they have a shorter attention span. We use different tools for all of the activities to increase and keep their level of interest at a high pace. Classes are taught in small fragments and activities are kept short which allows them to better remember what they have done. Repetition helps develop the skills they are learning so new moves aren’t as easy to forget and their body can become accustomed to the basics.


Coordination, Balance, Fitness, Self-Control, Basic Motor Skills

Our unique program is geared to help your child improve their overall physical abilities by using different exercises and games that promote balance, strength, jumping, running and timing. Children learn to gain more control over their bodies through a series of physical skills which will quickly turn into a feeling of high self-esteem and confidence. We have progressive drills and activities that increase in difficulty as your child continues in their training with us.